
Replica Chanel Handbag to pay to be the talk of the party

"Ever since I was a young girl, I have been in love with designer handbags. All I can say is that women look so much more distinguished and beautiful with the right designer handbag. I spent a lot of my teenage years clipping pictures of handbags out of magazines and created a collage of all the handbags that I would own someday. I have ate more macaroni and cheese than I needed to to have enough money for my next handbag purchase, but I still have not spent more than $1000 on a handbag yet. I take some time every weekend to catch up on the latest and newest handbags on the market. Is it me or are they getting more expensive? I thought I had a grasp on how much these designer handbags were worth, but I must have been wrong.

I thought I would write about some of the ones that caught my eye because of the price, and the perceived worth of these same items. If I had to pick my favorite out of all of the hand bags that I looked at, I would have to say that Fendi would be my favorite design house. It seems that even though they are continuously innovating, they can still manage to keep a classic look to their products. Fendi designs some of the most sought after designs in the fashion industry, and the ""B.Bag"" is the most in-demand handbag in the world. Though some may think that the price tag is a deterrent, others know the value it provides so it is a small price to pay to be the talk of the party. Another one of my favorites would have to be the Hermes ""Birkin"" bag!

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